- Parents are expected to check the diary daily and sign it.
- Parents should see that their children do their homework regularly
- Compulsory chapattis and vegetable for Tiffin.
School Uniform
Wednesday -
PT Dress and White Shoes and White Socks.
Aims and Objectives
The school strongly believes in Ancient Indian Culture and acts for the development of this culture in the students.
The aims and objectives of the school are -
- To promote all round development in a homely and happy environment.
- To enable them to understand themselves better and to instill confidence and make themselves useful in nation building.
- To help them master a cheering attitude and skills, which will benefit their society and nation.
- To develop in children good health habits and to build up basic skill necessary for personal adjustments.
- To encourage them to strive towards excellence in every field, giving due consideration to the welfare and needs of their fellow beings.
- To produce enlightened citizens who will be an asset to the society and the country. They should excel in whatever they undertake - be it academics, sports, cultural activities or social service with full confidence.